OT-9 Sentinel Droid (1)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
Parent Model: COLB-A02 Base Droid
Was equipped with: Stealth Scan Probe
Relations: Okara Droid Company
The OT-9 Sentinel Droid, sometimes called OT-9 Enforcer was a four-legged battle droid model based on COLB-A02 Colicoid-type design and produced by the Okara Droid Company on the planet Balmorra before and during the Galactic War. The droid was equipped with an energy shield and its blaster cannons were enhanced with ion cells to provide additional shock damage to their targers. It was also armed with incendary missiles and equipped with scan probes to perform scanning of the nearby area to detect stealthed units. OT-9 Sentinel Droids were among the droids deployed by the Sith Empire in defense of the Imperial Command Compound in the Markaran Plains on Balmorra.


See also
Complete list

Last updated: 26.06.2022 22:36:21